01 August 2018
213 days since Emergence
James is dead!!! I don't know where to start... Last night is still a blur, I will try to remember as best I can....
James was fine, his eyes were bloodshot and sore but he otherwise seemed fine. He was lying on the sofa in the living room of the house. I heard a noise and went in....there was blood... So much blood, he was screaming.... It was coming from his eyes, ears, nose, mouth.... Everywhere!! we tried to stop it, we tried so hard, but nothing we did helped.
He died in my arms, the only solace I have is he wasn't alone. The others said he choked on his own blood. The flower caused this.... I know it did! Our world is a dangerous place now. Nothing and nowhere is safe.
We are going to bury James's body this afternoon, it seems like the right thing to do. Tom is going to say a few words...
It seems stupid doing normal things, like talking, laughing, even lying in a bed, when it is a far from normal world. We need these moments to keep us sane.... To keep us human.

Stay safe and stay observant. We haven't seen any hybrids today, but you can hear them in the distance, their screech makes your skin crawl.
L.T signing off
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