02 August 2018
214 days since Emergence
We buried James. We made sure the grave was deep, we didn't want any animals around digging... Especially not the hybrids.
Tom saw one this afternoon, in the distance. He said it was moving away from where we are, hopefully they have all moved on and none are lurking around! I have drawn a picture, it isn't great but you will know what to look out for!

We don't know what they are...an experiment of our animals.... Or something from their home world.
We havn't heard any movement from anything, which is good it means another night or 2 in an actual bed! The small luxuries in life we take for granted! Beds, hot water, clean clothes... I would give anything to go back 215 days and just enjoy these mundane boring things, to see my family once more.... But I can't. This is life now, trying to survive this harsh new world we wake up to every morning.
Why? Why are they here? Do they want our resources?? No-one has been able to awnser this question.
They breath our oxygen but it is changing... It feels thicker. They look like demons from hell!
We just need to survive,to get north, to get to the cold... What is it about the cold?
So many questions in my head all the time. I welcome sleep, I can dream about happier times and forget the hell we are living in.
Sweet dreams
L.T signing off
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