Tuesday, July 31, 2018


31 July 2018
212 days since Emergence

We have finally reached a safe place...for now!  It feels like we have been walking forever.  everything hurts.  It is so quiet here.

Things are changing on our world, flowers and trees, they all look different, act different.  We saw an odd plant on our journey here, James tried to look at it, but it shot some kind of pollen in his face.  His eyes are stinging and bloodshot, but otherwise seems ok.  We will have to keep a close eye on him.

A big supply run will be needed soon.  I guess we will draw straws. No one wants to do it, it isn't just them we need to be careful of.  Strange animals have appeared, hybrids maybe or perhaps they brought them,  they aren't the fluffy friendly kind.  Be safe when out and be vigilant we saw 5 or 6 of them in the distance when walking here.

We have no ammo left and are desperate for medical supplies and food.  We checked the houses on the way here for survivors and supplies, but they had been picked clean.  we were hopeful we would at least see someone else....but nothing, it is as if everyone but us has just vanished from the world.
I miss the days of hearing kids playing and cars moving round.  In the early days of Emergence you would hear helicopters and planes all day and night, going to fight them... day by day it got less and less, until one day....nothing!

They used some sort of EMP to bring us down.  whatever it was it worked..  the world went black.  Chaos and panic took over.  survival became the number one game..............

SOMETHING is happening to James.... something bad!  I have to go........

L.T signing off

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