Monday, August 6, 2018


06 August 2018
218 days since Emergence

My whole body aches.  My feet have blisters all over them and my mouth is so dry, my lips are cracked and bleeding, the pain is horrendous.  I feel like my body just wants to give up.

Our relocation is complete.  We walked for hours in the blazing heat.  We reached our new "home" as the night set in, the cold felt so good against my face, it's glowing it is that burnt, I tried to make sure I was covered as much as possible.  The days are so hot now.

Some of us haven't fared so well in the heat.  Dani has heat stroke.  her face is blistered, 3rd degree burns I think, and she has a temperature.  She is shivering and mumbling, I am worried about her she isn't in a good way at all.
I am trying to keep her as comfortable as possible, and get fluids into her.  I have found dabbing her mouth with a damp cloth is best.  I have left her sleeping.

I never dreamt life would end up this way.... Who would?  Aliens... Beings from another planet, it sounds totally crazy.  It never entered my head once that all this was true.
Then they came, god I wish I had listened, taken more notice of those programmes like Ancient Aliens.  I should have listened to my crazy prepper neighbour.... What I wouldn't give to have him here now, to get his advice.

We have seen no other survivors, no evidence of anyone else being here, it is just the 4 of us.  It is so quiet.  There are no bird sounds, no dogs, no cats.... NOTHING.  The only other living thing here are the hybrids.  We are seeing more and more changes in the trees and flowers to. 

We have found shelter in an old store.  The room at the back has a large metal door that when shut acts like a panic room,  I feel safe in there.  There are shelves full of canned goods and some water.  We won't need to do supply runs for a few days, this is always welcome news.

We need to be careful as one of the others saw 2 hybrids moving around at the bottom of the street this morning when they were on lookout.  We will be safe in our room... At least I hope we are!

I am going to check on Dani and get some sleep myself, my body is exhausted.

L.T signing off

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