Wednesday, August 15, 2018


15th August 2018
227 days since Emergence

I found a survivor....

I should say they found me.  I need to go back to 5 days ago....

I packed what I needed and left to find the others.  I felt a little light headed and my neck was sore and stiff but otherwise I thought I was fine.

I had been walking a while and steadily started to feel worse and worse. I remember feeling tired and stopping, I only wanted to sit for a few minutes, to get my bearings and gather my strength.  The next thing I remember I was being carried over someone's shoulder.  I must have been drifting in and out of consciousness, I don't remember anything else until I woke up 4 days later in this house.  I was surrounded by clean bedding and the room smelt fresh.  My clothes were on the chair beside me clean and folded.  For a split second I truly thought It had all been a bad nightmare.....  Then I looked out of the window, it all became real again.  It took me a few minutes to gather my thoughts and adjust to the clean, "normal" surroundings I was in and then look outside and see the reality of our new world.
There was a note on the table telling me to " go downstairs when ready" and simply signed J.

My neck felt strange, tight.  I realized then that I had about 15 stitches running length ways, what the hell had happened to me?!

I went down and I met J.  He told me that he had found me on the side of the road passed out.  He had to grab me quickly as THEY  were coming.  he brought me back to his and noticed I had a strange lump on my neck and it was moving.  Before THEY came J had been a vet (lucky for me)'  He sedated me and when examining the lump found that I had a larvae growing in it.  He managed to get it out and stitched me up.  He thinks it must have been from the insect that bit me when we were doing our supply run.  I feel sick thinking about that thing growing inside me.

 J has said he will join me and go north, I told him there are others.  He said we will need to get going soon, he has been here since it started I think he will be sad to go but THEY are scouting this area. 
J is packing his stuff.  he wants to bring as many medical supplies as he can.  The others will be so pleased I found someone else, especially a Dr (kind of).

For the first time in what seems like forever, I smiled! It felt strange, my face felt tight.

We are off now J is ready.  North it is.  hopefully we come across the others, I don't know how far they could have gone, I am hoping they stopped in a few towns over.

L.T signing off

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