Saturday, August 25, 2018


25th August 2018
237 days since Emergence

It's been 9 days and we can't get them off our tail!  I don't know what's going on, I am hot, hungry, thirsty and so scared.  I keep playing it over in my head, we packed, we started walking looking for the others.... Then it went to shit!

We had been walking and stopping for breaks on and off for 3 days.  I didn't say anything to J but I had been hearing a very low hum since we had started out.  I assumed it was my ears or maybe bugs flying around.  it became so irritating, I eventually asked J if he could hear it and he said no it must be in my head.... IT WASN'T, THEY NEVER LISTEN TO ME, WHY WON'T THEY LISTEN?!

We got to an abandoned filling station and had been inside maybe 15 minutes, when the humming started getting louder.  J looked at me, I knew he heard it then to.  he shouted one word "RUN".  I ran towards the back of the store, the hum was so loud now.  When I looked back I saw it, a craft hovering above the floor outside the window.  How did we not see it till now?  Have THEY got some kind of new cloaking technology?....  THEY never had this before, are they evolving, changing as the world is?...  We went through the back door and we ran.

We have managed to evade THEM, but they keep on following.  We don't know if it knows we are here and is waiting to be able to grab us, or if it is just going this way.  It seems too much of a coincidence that it stops when we stop, and it moves when we move.  I am so afraid.

I want to find the others, I feel so alone and afraid.  I know I have J, but who is he?  I want Dani and the others.

Why can I hear it from far away and J can't?  It has to be on top of us before he can!  I just want to feel and be safe again.  I spent so many times wishing I was dead, now I realise I want to live!

I won't let them take me.  As much as I want to be alive, I will kill myself before I let one of them take me.

We are moving again, the humming is getting louder.

L.T. signing off

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