Saturday, August 25, 2018


25th August 2018
237 days since Emergence

It's been 9 days and we can't get them off our tail!  I don't know what's going on, I am hot, hungry, thirsty and so scared.  I keep playing it over in my head, we packed, we started walking looking for the others.... Then it went to shit!

We had been walking and stopping for breaks on and off for 3 days.  I didn't say anything to J but I had been hearing a very low hum since we had started out.  I assumed it was my ears or maybe bugs flying around.  it became so irritating, I eventually asked J if he could hear it and he said no it must be in my head.... IT WASN'T, THEY NEVER LISTEN TO ME, WHY WON'T THEY LISTEN?!

We got to an abandoned filling station and had been inside maybe 15 minutes, when the humming started getting louder.  J looked at me, I knew he heard it then to.  he shouted one word "RUN".  I ran towards the back of the store, the hum was so loud now.  When I looked back I saw it, a craft hovering above the floor outside the window.  How did we not see it till now?  Have THEY got some kind of new cloaking technology?....  THEY never had this before, are they evolving, changing as the world is?...  We went through the back door and we ran.

We have managed to evade THEM, but they keep on following.  We don't know if it knows we are here and is waiting to be able to grab us, or if it is just going this way.  It seems too much of a coincidence that it stops when we stop, and it moves when we move.  I am so afraid.

I want to find the others, I feel so alone and afraid.  I know I have J, but who is he?  I want Dani and the others.

Why can I hear it from far away and J can't?  It has to be on top of us before he can!  I just want to feel and be safe again.  I spent so many times wishing I was dead, now I realise I want to live!

I won't let them take me.  As much as I want to be alive, I will kill myself before I let one of them take me.

We are moving again, the humming is getting louder.

L.T. signing off

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


15th August 2018
227 days since Emergence

I found a survivor....

I should say they found me.  I need to go back to 5 days ago....

I packed what I needed and left to find the others.  I felt a little light headed and my neck was sore and stiff but otherwise I thought I was fine.

I had been walking a while and steadily started to feel worse and worse. I remember feeling tired and stopping, I only wanted to sit for a few minutes, to get my bearings and gather my strength.  The next thing I remember I was being carried over someone's shoulder.  I must have been drifting in and out of consciousness, I don't remember anything else until I woke up 4 days later in this house.  I was surrounded by clean bedding and the room smelt fresh.  My clothes were on the chair beside me clean and folded.  For a split second I truly thought It had all been a bad nightmare.....  Then I looked out of the window, it all became real again.  It took me a few minutes to gather my thoughts and adjust to the clean, "normal" surroundings I was in and then look outside and see the reality of our new world.
There was a note on the table telling me to " go downstairs when ready" and simply signed J.

My neck felt strange, tight.  I realized then that I had about 15 stitches running length ways, what the hell had happened to me?!

I went down and I met J.  He told me that he had found me on the side of the road passed out.  He had to grab me quickly as THEY  were coming.  he brought me back to his and noticed I had a strange lump on my neck and it was moving.  Before THEY came J had been a vet (lucky for me)'  He sedated me and when examining the lump found that I had a larvae growing in it.  He managed to get it out and stitched me up.  He thinks it must have been from the insect that bit me when we were doing our supply run.  I feel sick thinking about that thing growing inside me.

 J has said he will join me and go north, I told him there are others.  He said we will need to get going soon, he has been here since it started I think he will be sad to go but THEY are scouting this area. 
J is packing his stuff.  he wants to bring as many medical supplies as he can.  The others will be so pleased I found someone else, especially a Dr (kind of).

For the first time in what seems like forever, I smiled! It felt strange, my face felt tight.

We are off now J is ready.  North it is.  hopefully we come across the others, I don't know how far they could have gone, I am hoping they stopped in a few towns over.

L.T signing off

Thursday, August 9, 2018


09 August 2018
221 days since Emergence

I have been out of it for 2 days!  I have woken up alone.... They left me!  It is all coming back to me in dribs and drabs....

I drew the short straw, it was my turn to do the supply run, Tom was coming with me.  We hadn't been out that long I remember that much.  I was in the kitchen of a nearby house, I felt something sting me on my neck.  I remember things going fuzzy and Tom had to carry me back to the store, I remember flashes of things.... Tom wiping my face with a cold cloth, Dani asking if I was OK and saying I must have had a reaction... Then nothing.

The next thing I remember is just now, waking up and being alone. This note was beside me....
I'm not angry, I don't blame them.  I would have done the same if the roles were reversed.

As soon as it gets dark I will head north.  I will try to catch up with the others, they can't have gone far.
My neck is fine, a little sore and stiff, but otherwise I feel ok.
I can't see any patrols walking around, they must have done their sweep and moved on.

Please let me find them I can't do this alone. 

L.T signing off

Monday, August 6, 2018


06 August 2018
218 days since Emergence

My whole body aches.  My feet have blisters all over them and my mouth is so dry, my lips are cracked and bleeding, the pain is horrendous.  I feel like my body just wants to give up.

Our relocation is complete.  We walked for hours in the blazing heat.  We reached our new "home" as the night set in, the cold felt so good against my face, it's glowing it is that burnt, I tried to make sure I was covered as much as possible.  The days are so hot now.

Some of us haven't fared so well in the heat.  Dani has heat stroke.  her face is blistered, 3rd degree burns I think, and she has a temperature.  She is shivering and mumbling, I am worried about her she isn't in a good way at all.
I am trying to keep her as comfortable as possible, and get fluids into her.  I have found dabbing her mouth with a damp cloth is best.  I have left her sleeping.

I never dreamt life would end up this way.... Who would?  Aliens... Beings from another planet, it sounds totally crazy.  It never entered my head once that all this was true.
Then they came, god I wish I had listened, taken more notice of those programmes like Ancient Aliens.  I should have listened to my crazy prepper neighbour.... What I wouldn't give to have him here now, to get his advice.

We have seen no other survivors, no evidence of anyone else being here, it is just the 4 of us.  It is so quiet.  There are no bird sounds, no dogs, no cats.... NOTHING.  The only other living thing here are the hybrids.  We are seeing more and more changes in the trees and flowers to. 

We have found shelter in an old store.  The room at the back has a large metal door that when shut acts like a panic room,  I feel safe in there.  There are shelves full of canned goods and some water.  We won't need to do supply runs for a few days, this is always welcome news.

We need to be careful as one of the others saw 2 hybrids moving around at the bottom of the street this morning when they were on lookout.  We will be safe in our room... At least I hope we are!

I am going to check on Dani and get some sleep myself, my body is exhausted.

L.T signing off

Sunday, August 5, 2018


05 August 2018
217 days since Emergence

Something is in the house with us!  We found what was left of Sarah's body in an upstairs bedroom, she had been torn apart.  I will never forget what I saw when I opened that door, not ever!

It was carnage.  I can't understand it, we didn't hear a thing.... No scuffle, no bang, no scream.... NOTHING!  We were all in the house, how could we hear nothing?

Whatever is here is very clever.  We don't know where or what it is.  We haven't seen it, but we know it is here.  Watching and waiting!

I have packed my things, I am waiting on the others to get ready.  We can't stay here being hunted, picked off one by one by an unseen enemy.  At least out there we can see where They are and the hybrids, we can try to stay one step ahead.

We haven't got time to bury Sarah.  I feel bad, but we have to leave.  I f she were alive she would do the same.

We have to go NOW! Something is moving around upstairs in the house.

We shouldn't be out during the day but we have no choice, it is a risk we are going to have to take! 

The others have apologized.  It seems too little too late.  Maybe if they had listened to me Sarah would still be alive!

This is our lives now.   Nomads, constantly on the move.

L.T signing off

Friday, August 3, 2018


03 August 2018
215 days since Emergence

I feel like something is watching us... Hunting us.  I feel uneasy all the time.  The others say I am being irrational, I can't understand how they don't feel it.  It is clawing its way all over my skin, tying to find a way in.  I feel like I am going crazy

Even sleep didn't bring relief  .  My dream last night was of torture, pain, of seeing my little sister ripped apart in front of me, of hearing her screams, hearing her shout for me to help her..... but I couldn't do anything.  I couldn't move, it was like I was stuck to the floor, and then one of them turning its head to look at me and grin showing me its mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

I remember waking and covered in sweat.  Tom was standing over me, he must have woke me, I think I scared him, I think I scare them all.

There it is that tingle down my spine, my hair standing on end all over my body.... Something is out there, waiting biding it's time.  I can't stay here anymore.... I have to convince the others to leave.


L.T signing off

Thursday, August 2, 2018


02 August 2018
214 days since Emergence

We buried James. We made sure the grave was deep, we didn't want any animals around digging... Especially not the hybrids.

Tom saw one this afternoon, in the distance. He said it was moving away from where we are, hopefully they have all moved on and none are lurking around! I have drawn a picture, it isn't great but you will know what to look out for!

We don't know what they experiment of our animals.... Or something from their home world.

We havn't heard any movement from anything, which is good it means another night or 2 in an actual bed! The small luxuries in life we take for granted! Beds, hot water, clean clothes... I would give anything to go back 215 days and just enjoy these mundane boring things, to see my family once more.... But I can't. This is life now, trying to survive this harsh new world we wake up to every morning.

Why? Why are they here? Do they want our resources?? No-one has been able to awnser this question.

They breath our oxygen but it is changing... It feels thicker.   They look like demons from hell!

We just need to survive,to get north, to get to the cold... What is it about the cold?

So many questions in my head all the time.  I welcome sleep, I can dream about happier times and forget the hell we are living in.

Sweet dreams

L.T signing off

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


01 August 2018
213 days since Emergence

James is dead!!!  I don't know where to start... Last night is still a blur, I will try to remember as best I can....

James was fine, his eyes were bloodshot and sore but he otherwise seemed fine.  He was lying on the sofa in the living room of the house.  I heard a noise and went in....there was blood... So much blood, he was screaming.... It was coming from his eyes, ears, nose, mouth.... Everywhere!!  we tried to stop it, we tried so hard, but nothing we did helped.

He died in my arms, the only solace I have is he wasn't alone.  The others said he choked on his own blood.  The flower caused this.... I know it did!  Our world is a dangerous place now.  Nothing and nowhere is safe.

We are going to bury James's body this afternoon, it seems like the right thing to do.  Tom is going to say a few words...

It seems stupid doing normal things, like talking, laughing, even lying in a bed, when it is a far from normal world.   We need these moments to keep us sane.... To keep us human.

 alien plant
Stay safe and stay observant.  We haven't seen any hybrids today, but you can hear them in the distance, their screech makes your skin crawl.

L.T signing off